Communication Speaks provides an entity within group homes that houses young adults between the ages of 16 - 21.
Communication Speaks has implemented an Independent Living Program, where we house what we consider to be "The Cream of the Crop". Below are just a few of the onsite activities that we will engage our young adults in:
Today's youth face a wide range of developmental challenges as they approach adulthood. As they enter into this stage of life, living indpendently becomes a significant desire and goal. CS will provide a thorough analysis which will be performed prior to housing placement. Conducting this analysis will allow us to meet current housing needs, so the journey to independence is successful.
At Communication Speaks, LLC - Independent Living Program we are committed to fostering compassion and improving tomorrow for young adults. Communication Speaks, LLC will not only be providing housing, but programs that assist in building character and leadership skills that enable responsibilities assoicated with citizenship, pillars for success and future successes. We strive to create an atmosphere that creates a better tomorrow.
Our program will have every convenience of home, so our residents are truly comfortable. Not only will we be providing a variety of living areas, but our residents will have ample opportunity to socialize and interact with those in our community as well as have individual time for peace and quiet.
*Additional resources available
Please feel free to contact us at 404.488.4661